Epoxy Resin Canada, Flood Coat

  • C$65.00

Flood Coat epoxy resin is 100% solid, designed for surface coating of table top and metallic epoxy flooring, is harder and more durable.


  1. EYES: Flush with copious amounts of water lifting lids and removing contact lenses to ensure complete irrigation. Get medical attention.
  2. SKIN: Flush with water and then wash with soap and water, launder contaminated clothing before reuse. Get medical attention if irritation persists.
  3. INHALATION: Remove to fresh air and assist breathing as necessary. Get Medical attention.
  4. INGESTION: If appreciable amounts have been swallowed, get medical attention.

Make sure wear protective gloves and goggles during mixing and pour of resin
1), Mix 3 parts A with 1 part B by WEIGHT (or 2.7:1 by VOLUME) fully mix.
2), Self leveling, minimum pour thickness of 1/16” (150 ml/square foot)
3), POT LIFE: 15 Minutes (100 ml at 77 degrees F).
4), DO NOT TOUCH within 7 days for fully cured.

Recommended 55 degrees F. to 85 degrees F., with tightly sealed lids, avoid from direct sunlight.

Download here the MSDS

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